10. 20. 2022 | Investors' News, Announcements

Announcement of regulated information regarding the notification of significant changes in voting rights

IDEAL HOLDINGS A.E. (the "Company") announces in accordance with the provisions of articles 9,10,14 and 21 of Law 3556/2007, that consequently the issuance of 2,795,000 new common registered voting shares of the Company on 19.10.2022, which resulted from the increase of its share capital by cash payment, from the exercise of the option rights by the beneficiaries of the program established by the Company and following the Company's announcement in accordance with par. 5 of article 9 of Law 3556/2007 on 14.10.2022, regarding the amount of the share capital and the total number of shares and voting rights, the Company received the following notification:

Truad Verwaltungs AG in its capacity as manager of a foreign discretionary trust (private discretionary trust) informed the Company on its behalf, that as a result of the above corporate act, its indirect participation in the Company's share capital and voting rights, through the control of companies Thrush Investment Holdings Limited (13.29%) and Tinola Holding Sarl (0.70%), which directly hold shares and voting rights in the Company, fell to 13.99% from 15.03%.

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