12. 05. 2023 | Investors' News, News

Announcement for the availability of the Prospectus

The company “IDEAL HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter the “Company”) hereby announces that as of 05.12.2023 it makes available to investors, the Prospectus, as approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, in its meeting held on 05.12.2023, which was prepared in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980 and the applicable provisions of Law 4706/2020, as in force, in relation to the issuance by the Company of a common bond loan (hereinafter the “CBL”), of a total nominal amount of up to €100,000,000, with a duration of five (5) years, divided into up to 100,000 dematerialized, common, bearer bonds, each of a nominal value of €1,000 (hereinafter the “Bonds”), in accordance with the resolution of the  Board of Directors of the Company, dated 28.11.2023 (hereinafter the “Issue”). The Bonds to be issued, will be offered for subscription to investors by means of a public offering in Greece (the “Public Offering”), via the electronic book-building service (the “EBB”) of the Athens Exchange, registered with the Dematerialized Securities System, and admitted to trading on the Fixed Income Securities segment of the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange.

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