06. 21. 2023 | Investors' News, News

Analyst Briefing

"IDEAL HOLDINGS S.A." announces that on Wednesday, June 21st, 2023, at 17:00 (local time- GR) there will be an online briefing of Research Analysts, about the signed Share Purchase Agreement, by virtue of which IDEAL agreed to acquire the 100% of the shares of the Cypriot company under the name “KT Golden Retail Venture LTD”, which holds a 100% of the share capital of the Greek company under the name “ATTIKA POLIKATASTIMATA A.E.”, for a total consideration of € 100.000.000.

For more information, please contact Mmes. Katerina Psifi + 30 210 5193 977, Lydia Pistiola +30 215 215 9610.

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