BYTE Computer

Solutions Unlimited

Information and Communication Technology

Byte was founded in 1983 and today is one of the biggest companies providing comprehensive IT and communications solutions in Greece. It is playing a key role in the shaping and developing of the new digital reality in the country. Not only it has a continuous presence in the implementation of the most innovative projects in multiple business verticals of the Private sector but it is also among the pioneer providers of Information and Communication Technologies that consolidate the digital operation of the Public Sector of the country through key infrastructure projects.

Powerful Strategic Partnerships

Since its foundation, Byte records dynamic growth determined by the knowledge and professionalism of its specialized human resources, as well as the continuous investments in cutting-edge IT and Communication Technology solutions. Through powerful strategic partnerships with leading international organizations, Byte can provide its customers with access to high-quality, leading products, technologies and services.

Byte Leads the Way

The pivotal role of the company in the shaping and developing of the new digital reality in Greece is reflected in the plethora of projects the company has implemented and continues to implement for the Private and Public sectors. Offering fully specialized and technologically advanced solutions, which meet the increased demands of the modern and ever-changing environment, Byte leads the way through projects such as Electronic and Paperless Prescription, the COVID-19 Registry, the Police on Line and the Immigrant ID card, Applications in the Fire Service, the Anti-Money-Laundering Authority, as well as solutions for Smart Cities and Encrypted Networks, among others.

A Trust Service Provider

At the same time, Byte is registered in the European Union Trusted Lists of Trust Service Providers and offers up to date, secure and easy to use Digital Signatures in the Greek market thanks to the most innovative and technological advanced infrastructure of the company's Trust Center.

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